The Daily Write

Women Circles: I Am Grateful for How the Universe Conveys Its Message

I did not feel like contributing to the conversation, but at least I showed up

TS Bridges


A multi-ethnic group of women participate  in a group hug.
Photo by FatCamera on Canva.

June 1, 2022: What’s one thing you’re grateful for today?

Today was a challenging day. I felt overwhelmed and trapped — like I was swimming as vigorously as I could but unable to make forward progress.

To be honest, it was a real sh*t storm. I was in total red alert distress.

That was my emotional downward spiral at 3 pm. I felt exhausted, gloomy, and questioned the meaning of every decision I’ve made over the last few months. I barely had the energy to bury my head under the sofa cushions.

However, I had my monthly Professional Women’s Circle video call.

Honoring my commitments towards them and as a token of respect, I put on my big girl pants (literally speaking, as I was in my pajamas) and decided to join the call. I did not feel like contributing to the conversation, but at least I showed up.

As with many events in my life, those I dreaded the most delivered the most significant rewards.

During the call, I felt seen and heard while they offered me a completely different perspective regarding a personal situation I had not been able to resolve.

This small group of extraordinary women helped me transition from an emotional quagmire into a meaningful approach on a day when I needed it the most.

It was like they knew.

I was trapped in my mental swirl and they pulled me back to safety and sanity.

Today, I am wholeheartedly grateful to each of these highly talented women.

Key Message:

Trust the Universe as it works in extraordinary ways.

It helps us connect with the right people to convey its message when we least expect it and need it the most.

@ TS Bridges



TS Bridges

A connoisseur of words, music, astrology, Nature’s art, life’s pleasures, love and relationships with little or no competence in any of them.