Zero Chill

“Focus, Tatiana, I don’t ask much of you!” Tabitha circled her, her voice tense and curt.

F. Leonora Solomon
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2022


Photo by Lukas

June #23: Are you the same person on social media as you are in real life?

There was zero chill about Tatiana’s boss.

Tabitha Ross had cultivated an image of cool online that was nothing like she was in real life. Her exponentially Type A personality meant that Tatiana was forced to be equally as anal for fear of getting anything wrong.

Tatiana respected it a little because it made her better at what she did, and the skills would be useful when she was at her next job. But for now anything she was deeply scrutinized and second-guessed for everything.

The image of Tabitha eating an ice cream cone, looking like she enjoyed it, was an illusion. Tabitha had to have the ice cream be just the perfect temperature. When she gave her a pint that was close to melting, she was afraid she was going to be out of a job.

Tatiana needed her job desperately, she thought her heart was going to beat out of her chest, she was so scared after Tabitha yelled at her.

“Focus, Tatiana, I don’t ask much of you!” Tabitha circled her, her voice tense and…

