“You Broke My Heart”

Writes By Tiffany
Mid-Knight Falls
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2024


The Painful Words of a Three Year Old

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

“It’s amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces”

— Ella Harper

Breaking the heart of a three year old can leave you feeling quite terrible, instantly breaking your own heart!

My daughter (Savannah)FaceTimed me the other day almost in tears. My three year old granddaughter (Kennedy) was being a holy terror, something extremely normal for this challenging, yet adorably honest age.

They sat eating lunch on a typical Friday afternoon. Kennedy was tired and cranky, but Savannah wanted to get lunch in before nap. So they fought through it, tempers rising and patience dwindling quickly.

As Kennedy sat at the Moana mini table, frowning at her plate, she slowly pushed it close to the edge, testing her stepmommy.

Kennedy, do not dump that plate.”

Closer…. Closer. And there it went!!

Eyes glared on Savannah while the plate crashed on the floor. Carrots and nuggets went crashing onto the carpet beneath the Disney table.

Savannah’s patience were being tested, no doubt. Standing up, demanding Kennedy to…



Writes By Tiffany
Mid-Knight Falls

I love writing short stories, poetry, even a little dab in Erotica. I write what's in my heart, experiences, loss, lessons. Writing is a deep thinker's escape.