Black Star

Heath ዟ
Midnight Mosaic Fiction
1 min readJun 27, 2019


I can feel myself
disintegrating slowly
in fields of twilight

I am not afraid
of this dark
I am not afraid

I can feel myself
dissolving in the night sky
amid cold dead stars

I am not afraid
of freezing
I am not afraid

I can feel myself —
cohesion torn asunder —
into particles, I fade

I am not afraid
of dying
I am not afraid

My nerve-endings numb,
no waves to brush my senses,
I’m here, I am gone

I am not afraid
of the void
I am not afraid

I can feel nothing
in the black star horizon,
just time standing still

I am not afraid.

Image: CC0

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Heath ዟ
Midnight Mosaic Fiction

Destroyed. Rebuilt. Broken, Mended. Annihilated. Remade. Nothing special.