Here Be Monsters — A Love Story

Part One: Elizabeth’s Poem

Elle Fredine
Midnight Mosaic Fiction


A tale of the love and longing between Elizabeth Lavenza and Victor Frankenstein’s monster.

His books and writing, all consume
My husband’s house. No more
A place for friends, no space for joy;
His mad fixation makes of this
A prison, not a home.

I crept below to caverns dark
My husband’s ban ignored;
For I must know what he has done,
What clouds his eyes and tears his heart;
What monsters he has forged.

I there beheld communion strange,
His creature, nay! his thrall,
Offered to him fresh-dead limbs,
From corpses cut, from new graves robbed —
How far a good man falls!

The stink of death coiled through the room
I scarce could take it in;
Then, lightning-strikes, they resurrect
Their bag of spare parts — hand-sewn life;
Who’s monstrous? Whose, the sin?



Elle Fredine
Midnight Mosaic Fiction

West-Coaster, born and bred; Weekly Tales in fiction, dark/horror/fantasy, poetry, humor, feminism, writing, relationships, and love