Lost at Sea

Ryan Bell
Midnight Mosaic Fiction
4 min readOct 27, 2018
Image of Forlorn Mermaid courtesy of Unsplash

Sing for me, Ariel, from the depths of the sea.
Sing of the lost times, of things yet to be.
I’ll follow your voice, heart and sail both unfurled.
Light the way for me, love. To be part of your world.

Lost princess of the ocean, unable to sing.
A mermaid’s fierce dream for her own wedding ring.
Sea Witch stole her voice, locked it up in a shell,
And transformed Ariel with a powerful spell.

Though the brave girl lost much, she won the prince’s affection,
And that witch paid the price for her damned insurrection.
With a flash and a hiss, the foul wench vanished.
Her darkness from the seas at last had been banished.

Ariel’s voice, save her song, returned to her lips,
To whisper blessed vows beneath the eclipse.
Among the gifts she received on her special day
Was a conch to hear the ocean, even when far away.

Sing for me, Ariel, and together we’ll see.
Sing of our future, of things yet to be.
I’ll follow your voice, wherever you lead.
Light the way for me, love. You’re all that I need.

Her heart was content, full of love for her prince,
But her soul tugged her seaward, where she hadn’t been since.
The conch by her bedside roared the voice of the ocean,
And she’d rock and she’d sway — a phantom sea motion.

One night, she slipped out, an aching thirst she must slake.
Eyes vacant, jaw slack; not asleep, not awake.
Homesick mermaid, return once more to the coast!
From the conch, murmured words of primordial ghost.

The baying of dogs roused Ariel from her trance.
She dared not turn around, dared not risk a glance.
Pallid moon shone softly, tide lapping at her toes.
The howling grew louder, her blood thickened and froze.

Sing for me, Ariel. Howl at the feet of my gates.
Wail for your lost time, mourn the will of the fates.
I’ll follow your voice and set everything right.
Light the way for me, love. Bring the moon out tonight.

“The moon favours you,” cooed three voices as one.
Ariel turned ‘round, though instinct bid her run.
Three women, back to back, cloaked in the magic of night.
One held a key, one a dagger, the last two torches bright.

“We are Hecate,” they sang. “We’ve been watching you well.”
“Witches,” hissed Ariel. “Twas your cursed shell!”
They laughed, high and shrill, a monotonous tune.
“Ask of us, child. We shall grant you a boon.”

“No more deals, no magic; I know it comes with a price!”
The air cooled in response, voices limned with black ice.
“A choice? A choice?! What we want, we take.”
Dagger pressed against skin, the bite of a snake.

Sing for me, Ariel. Reveal all your desires.
Sing of the lost time, ‘fore dancing ‘round fires.
I’ll follow your voice; there’s nowhere to hide.
Light the way for me, love. Let your song be my guide.

Ariel gasped, clutched the wound on her breast,
As cold and clear water poured from her chest.
“The sea’s in your heart, girl. You long to return,
A mermaid’s silent lament for the deep briny churn.”

She turned to the water, the moon’s furtive reflection,
Beckoning her down to abyssal perfection.
“We are the goddess of the moon, of tide and of magic.
We shall restore you to song and form once pelagic.”

But what of her prince? Could his mortal soul bear it?
Broken promises, broken heart — all he would inherit.
Lo, Hecate’s key plunged through Ariel’s throat!
Sharp twist, crude laughter, then… profane choral note.

Sing for me, Ariel. I’ve opened the way.
Sing of the lost time, words too dark to say.
I’ll follow your voice, a sound sailors will dread.
Light the way for me, love. We’ve madness to spread.

The Mermaid is theirs now, bound to the Holder of Keys.
Slave to She of the Crossroads, and Dark Mysteries.
Ariel sings once more from her cold lithic throne,
In the middle of the ocean… just her, all alone.

But her prince draws closer! Yes, he’s heard her Siren’s call,
And you’re certain you’ll save her, your princess turned thrall.
Such insipid hope is fleeting; cruel, vain, and wrong.
Yet you’ve followed my voice, haven’t you? Listened to my song.

So come to me, my sailor, my salt of darkened seas.
My love waits here to break you, to bring you to your knees.
We’ll chant in throes of madness. Ia, Yog-Sothoth!
I’m your burning flame, dear… and you’re my tragic moth.

Sing for me, Ariel, from the depths of the sea.
Sing of the lost time, of things not to be.
I’ll follow your voice, heart and sail both unfurled.
Light the way for me, love. Forever part of your world.

To read other stories from October’s Dark & Weird Fiction Challenge, visit and follow The Mad River Literary Journal and 13 Days Pub.



Ryan Bell
Midnight Mosaic Fiction

By day, a Cubicle-Monkey rolling his face across the keyboard, occasionally typing out stories. Glitter-dusted Vampire Cowboy by night.