Monstrous — My Ending

Part Three: Victor’s Poem — Descent into madness

Elle Fredine
Midnight Mosaic Fiction


A third side of the love triangle between Elizabeth Lavenza and Victor Frankenstein’s monster — Victor’s tale.

Oh, gods,
If it had been another man,
I could have borne the stain;
But this —

Though not my blood, my son in all but name;
Born of my thoughts, my dreams, my very intellect;
My whole life’s travail bound in this one frame,
My master work, my hand-made man, mine! Mine! and yet —

Undone —
My work has been for naught, and all
My struggle was in vain;
Yet he
Haunts me…

Consigned to everlasting pit, cast down,
Now, nothing lives inside this empty twisted shell;
Once home, once love, once kindness flourished here,
But now, the home-fire reeks of sulfurous, man-made hell —

My dreams…
Was it so wrong to strive? To soar?
To outface God and claim
My place?
My prize?



Elle Fredine
Midnight Mosaic Fiction

West-Coaster, born and bred; Weekly Tales in fiction, dark/horror/fantasy, poetry, humor, feminism, writing, relationships, and love