Night Vision: A Poem

Lowen Puckey
Midnight Mosaic Fiction
2 min readJun 24, 2019


Part 3: The Sheriff — A Season of Strange Writing Competition


Forced to be part law enforcer,
part psychologist, part priest,
he’s been watching the
people of this town with unease,
and outright concern where
June Davis is concerned.

There’s been unusual weather,
pets going missing,
people acting strange.

A lot of tired people in this place.

Separately, it is nothing
to concern the police,
but together…he has a hinky feeling:
Something isn’t right.

How can so many things be happening,
things that are clearly unusual. Wrong.
And nobody says anything?

But he also knows that victims
don’t always speak out
for fear of retribution.
Faced with a choice: stand up and be
knocked down again or
stay still until a thing run its course,
most people will chose the former.



Lowen Puckey
Midnight Mosaic Fiction

Advocate for mental health, chronic illness and disability. Sometime writer of funnies & fiction. Perpetual drinker of tea.