Prompt #6: Monster Monday

Midnight Mosaic Fiction
2 min readOct 8, 2018

October’s “13 Days of Dark and Weird” Challenge


mon·ster ˈmänstər/

1. an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening.

2. an inhumanly cruel or wicked person

3. a person, typically a child, who is rude or ill-behaved

4. thing or animal that is excessively large or daunting

5. a congenitally malformed or mutant animal or plant.

For Monster Monday, tell us a story about a monstrous creature, human, object, idea. Use a monster from mythology, folklore, or the monsters that lurk in your own psyche.

To enter our 13 Days of Dark and Weird Challenge see the posting below:

Be sure to use our Submission Form to send us your drafts for review. We can’t wait to read your stories!

More photos for those who like visual prompts:




Midnight Mosaic Fiction

…in search of dread secrets with which to weave tales. Dark & Strange Fiction Editor, Creative Collaborator, Advocate for survivors of abuse.