
Midnight Mosaic Fiction
2 min readJun 17, 2019



capillary nectar circulates cuspids —
crimson coagulate impregnates the cavities
of a covetous conjuress, her craving ceaseless
’til your constitution contracts into carrion

your involuntary immolation is at once
imperative and inconsequential
filled to the cusp with you, she becomes

sated, sustained, She, soucouyant sorceress
shapeshifter of the scheol,
succuba to the Tempter himself
shivers, shudders, a savage terpsichore
some sacred swaying, invocation of the seventh circle,

exuviating, her epidermis exfoliates to a new nudity
naked of all flesh, she hovers over meaningless mort,
more you and less of her last prey — his image
marked upon muscle with ineffaceable ink
her silkscreen sinew sewn eternally —
thread of the souls she has incorporated
into her own perpetuity

the phoenix of perversity
creature of reconstitution
her inner skin weeps, dewy and raw
glistening beneath lunistice
as the moon shifts south
the forest witness to her resurrection



Midnight Mosaic Fiction

…in search of dread secrets with which to weave tales. Dark & Strange Fiction Editor, Creative Collaborator, Advocate for survivors of abuse.