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The Approaching Darkness

B. L. Teague
Midnight Mosaic Fiction
1 min readJun 21, 2019


Trepidation turns to fear
As the sun crawls toward the horizon.
The lush green forest, so promising in the day
Broods, awash in the red of the sleepy sun.

Shadows encroach,
Dancing their mocking imitation
Of life, of love.
Hatred and death their only truth.

Creeping, crawling, can’t you hear?
The clawing and scratching
Of the shadows come calling
Bold, bitter howls curdle my blood.

Mourning the last loving rays of sun
Facing the cold death of night.
Wondering, always wondering
Will I feel Death’s embrace this night?

Out of the darkness,
Flashes perceived.
Silver and white. It is not tonight.
The full moon’s promise fulfilled.

Darkness recedes,
Madness softens
All that’s left are the sounds
Creeping, crawling, clawing.


The first rays of dawn
I have survived
Another night
Dancing with my madness.

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B. L. Teague
Midnight Mosaic Fiction

B. L. Teague he/him rediscovered writing while helping family with a medical issue. He writes sci-fi, fantasy, and articles.