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The Epic of Alleryn

A Summer of Strange - Poetry

J. Brandon Lowry
4 min readJun 17, 2019


The hills arose irregular above
the noble hero Alleryn of Nyx.
Like standing stones of old they were,
with flatten’d tops and slopes inclin’d so steep
as to defy all logic, springing forth
from level earth like reaching fingers of
some buried giant desp’rate for one last
and fleeting glimpse of azure sky. And yet,
such empty ‘deavoring for naught would be,
for heavy mists all light devour’d. In gloom
perpetual was Tarryever Downs.

With eyes unstill and searching constantly,
his brave companions follow’d close behind.
Accomplish’d all in battle fierce, a song
to all their names, they’d stood beside the Prince
in times of joy and woe. Yet now alone
did Alleryn go marching through the mists
with certainty and grim resolve, his soul
against disturbing visions harden’d, mind
invuln’rable to thoughts of lurking doom.



J. Brandon Lowry
Midnight Mosaic Fiction

Nomadic scientist and writer. Topics: Writing, Fiction, and Poetry. Debut novel The Glass Frog available at