Under Full Moon’s Secret Show

Heath ዟ
1 min readJun 29, 2019


The full moon hosted secret shows,
by day, she held her secrets close
like a gambler with a bet
her poker face set,
once mine to rent, but not to keep,
never showing the face beneath.

Wet between the sheets
her howls hid dark and hungry themes —
a belly full of broken bones,
sharpened claws that ache to roam,
the hint of bloodlust in her moans,
feral eyes that almost glowed.

Under full moon’s secret show
her bloody teeth and truths lay bare
the creature she keeps hidden there,
fine-spun lashes and chocolate hair —

the wolf in its lair.

Tonight she leaves me a mangled waste,
her interest waned, fresh blood to taste.



Heath ዟ
Midnight Mosaic Fiction

Destroyed. Rebuilt. Broken, Mended. Annihilated. Remade. Nothing special.