The Black Bear Spirit


C.C. Foley
midnight tea diaries


Photo by Luke Miller on Unsplash

The charging bluff,
intent to frighten —
stopped in his tracks, nose almost met mine.

Black piercing stare,
one beyond dimension,
as if we had met in another life somewhere.

Bear — an unlikely friend,
a deadly companion,
but the depth of his soul, a calming presence.

Spirit, my follower.
Protector and loyal.
Is he my guide or for him am I?

I had a dream of befriending a bear. But dreams are just dreams. This one though, is hard to forget. When I woke, I had a feeling of serenity wash over me. Something about this dream was comforting. This bear that followed me, my arm over his shoulders — wherever I went he was there. We were a part of each other, not separate beings, but as if our souls were dependent on one another.



C.C. Foley
midnight tea diaries

Tomorrow I will not be me as today, just as I am not the same as yesterday