Kickoff 2020 fresh: ‘no cash’

Merel Riechelman
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2020

What do you see when you open up your wallet? A lot of countries, such as Sweden and Denmark already made the big jump: moving toward a cashless society. Although in Belgium that trend hasn’t taken off yet, it becomes more and more the status quo.

When we started Midori, we wanted to do things differently. We wanted to create better solutions and challenge our minds. We asked our selves, every step of the way: how can we improve? For us, convenience is a top priority. It is one of our core values and we like to run our business future proof. This means we think about choices that will have an impact on the long run, are innovative and boost customers well-being.

In 2019 we gave ourselves the task to improve our operating procedures. We found out that only 5 % of our transactions are actually in cash. That’s why we introduced new payment methods such as Payconiq, meal vouchers, and VISA to give a full range of other opportunities and to support the way our customers behave.

For us, the most important advantages to go cashless are the benefits for the Midori community. We strongly believe in employee safety and higher efficiency. We want to speed up and improve our customer service. Quick payments. No waiting lines. Development always means a little effort, a little change in behavior and a little acceptance. But it’s more than worth it, if only for a thinner wallet ;-).

So, we started 2020 fresh and decided ‘no cash’.*

*Midori City & Midori Deli are not cashless yet.



Merel Riechelman

Strategic Communicator at Midori — change the way people eat at work.