Is Valsartan Bad? What Should I Do If I’ve Taken it?

Katie Nelson
Midwest Law
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2019

Posted March 29, 2019 by Katie Nelson & filed under Firm News.

Since last year when the FDA put a recall on certain Valsartan drugs there has been a lot of confusion for people taking blood pressure medicines. Many people have been wondering if they should be distrustful of the medicines that they are currently on and what side effects the bad drugs might of caused. Fortunately, many of the Valsartan drugs were not affected by the recall but their is a considerable risk for those that were taking the recalled version of the Valsartan drug. This means that more than likely you are fine on the Valsartan drug you are currently taking.

Even if you have been taking the contaiminated version of the Valsartan drug we HIGHLY recommend that you do not stop taking your blood pressure medication unless advised by a doctor. Stopping a drug like Valsartan suddenly could be more dangerous to your health than the side effects associated with the contaminated Valsartan drugs.

Valsartan Recall & What is Means For You

The recall last year was for Valsartan drugs produced in China by the company Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals. To see if you or someone you know who is taking a Valsartan drug is included in this recall take a look at the producer or distributer listed on the bottle (or ask the physician prescribed it). You will be looking on your Valsartan drug bottle for the following companies:

Major Pharmaceuticals

Solco Healthcare

Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd

If you find that your Valsartan drugs are listed with one of these three companies than you may be at risk for a contamination that may cause cancer. Because of the risks associated with stopping a drug like Valsartan suddenly you may be at more risk stopping your prescription than continuing with the drug until prescribed another version.

If you have developed cancer after using a Valsartan drug that was produced by the above companies you have the right to pursue them for your injury. Right now there are many lawsuits out against the Valsartan drug produced in China and you could join them if you qualify.

If your not sure if you qualify for a Valsartan lawsuit talking with a lawyer against Valsartan could help you determine if you qualify for taking action against this dangerous drug.

Valsartan Lawsuits: Should You Join One?

The Valsartan lawsuits began last year shortly after the recall of the China produced drug and lawsuits continue to come in till this day. Fighting a large company, especially one in a different country can be extremely challenging. Joining a group has the added benefit of not just more evidence but a stronger case and generally more experienced lawyers that know a companies weak points after a recall lawsuit. Whether you should join or not is a personal choice that should be considered carefully. If you decide to go it alone than you risk not having as successful a case but you could potentially win more than in a group.

How to Join a Valsartan Lawsuit

If you’ve decided to join a Valsartan lawsuit you only need to find a qualified law firm that can help you to join a local group. Dyer, Garofalo, Mann, & Schultz can help you to join a lawsuit against Valsartan if you have been affected by the contaminated drug.

Originally published at on March 29, 2019.



Katie Nelson
Midwest Law

Digital marketing and content creator in Dayton, Ohio. See my latest blog posts at