Keep Warm. Together.

Midwinter Entertainment
2 min readMar 13, 2018

A little over a year ago, three friends and I struck out on our own to build a company together. We spent the first year operating out of a small rented house, slowly growing our team, before we were finally forced to move into a “real” space a few short weeks ago. We’re going to miss the days of huddling together in the living room of that house, assembling PCs while debating game mechanics, but it sure feels good to make coffee without tripping a breaker.

When we founded Midwinter, it was with the goal of creating innovative, shared experiences for millions of players around the world. At Midwinter we believe the strongest and most meaningful bonds are forged in the face of adversity. Our mission is the creation of togetherness — the feeling that comes from working together to overcome obstacles and accomplish great things. This is a feeling we strive for with the games we create, between our team members here at the studio and within the community we hope to build around Midwinter and our games in the years to come.

Today, we’re excited to announce our first title in development: Scavengers.

Scavengers is a multiplayer “co-opetition,” where teams of players compete to survive while exploring a vast frozen wasteland populated by hordes of smart AI. The game is being developed using Unreal Engine 4 and we’re leveraging a cloud-based platform called SpatialOS to support our vision for a dynamic, living game world. We’re thrilled to be partnering with the team at Improbable, who are providing funding for the development of Scavengers. We’ll be collaborating as we build the game and our work will help inform future development of tools and workflows within SpatialOS.

We hope you’ll join us as we embark on this journey together. You can follow our story at and

Keep Warm,


