Education is not a business: A misleading statement.

Md.Miftahul Alam
Miftee’s Diary
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I am from Bangladesh, a third world country. A country which is struggling and waging war against poverty and many other problems starting from 1971 after we achieved victory after 9 months liberation war. We became the Ready-made garments powerhouse from a war-torn country. We got different govt. and all of them gave their best shot to improve countries overall situation purely focusing on ensuring The 5 basic rights of our beloved countrymen.

And in recent years, govt. has been making different policies to eradicate illiteracy problems and ensuring overall development of its younger citizens by providing agile quality education. They have come up with impressive results and outcomes.

Now, lets come to the real topic which is our countrymen say, “ Education is not a business.” When you say this kind of things it gives an clear indication that as if Business is a bad thing. Education is a noble task and by bringing business into it you are turning it into scumbag. Lets talk about :-

  1. What is Business?
  2. Importance of Business and its objectives.

What is Business actually?

A business can be defined as an organization which is involved in professional, commercial or industrial activities. Business can be both for profit entities or for non-profit organizations that operate to fulfill a charitable mission or further a social cause.

Importance of Business and its objectives:

  1. Employment:

Firstly, Business creates job opportunity to people and provide services for the consumers. Businesses do it efficiently than an individuals can do on their own.

2. Revenue Generation:

Business organizations and enterprises generate income or make profits. With that profit they pay taxes, royalties, fees and other things which govt. and respective organization use for various noble causes.

3. Utility Creation:

Business creates place and time utility which helps to satisfy the needs of consumers in a certain territory.

4. Self-Sufficiency:
Business helps country and group of people to achieve self-dependence and sustainability.

and many more.

So, we can see how much important businesses are. But the main problem is there is a thing called Ethics. And ethics for businesses differ upon the sectors you are working on. In education Business there are certain set of rules and ethics which everyone should follow to provide optimum efficiency to its consumers. Its a noble business and an opportunity to serve humanity. One should never misuse the opportunity and trust the student have on your organizations.

On some other day, I will write about ethics required to follow to do business with Education. Thanks everyone for being with me so long.

