MiFuTo — Support for Charity Initiative

MiFuTo Project — NFT on Avalanche
1 min readOct 11, 2021

“Art celebrates man, does not manipulate him” K. Haring

- MiFuTo NFT -

Thanks to it’s intrinsic beauty and the creativity of its work, art may contribute in help many people, bringing something that is increasingly rare today, goodness.
Keith Haring argued that the purpose of making art was to communicate and contribute to culture. We would like to add that art in all its forms has the duty to contribute to the culture of goodness.

For this reason, since the birth of the El Medio Crew we have set ourselves a prerogative, concretely support associations and autonomous entities operating to improve the condition and dignity of the human being.

Our Artistic initiatives devote a part of the resources in order to tangibly help people in difficulty to get out of discomfort, trying to restore to individuals the dignity they deserve. For the MiFuTo NFT project we decided to donate part of the proceeds from the NFT sold to some projects that work to support the protection of women in Afghanistan.

We will publish on our channels the list of associations that will allow us to make a donation.

ElMedio Crew

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