Enhancing Game Leaderboards: Dynamic Strategies for Real-Time Scoring and Logic Adjustments

Mighty Bear Games
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2024

The recent launch of 1V1 Showdown in Mighty Action Heroes marked a significant evolution in our battle royale experience. This mode introduces a thrilling face-off between two players who bet Gems on their victory, with the winner taking home a reward multiplied by a specified factor.

Have you tried 1V1 Showdown in Mighty Action Heroes?

This has not only injected a fresh dynamic into our game’s competitive essence but also catalyzed a comprehensive overhaul of our leaderboard system to accommodate more game modes and play styles.

A weekly leaderboard in Mighty Action Heroes.

To leverage this new mode, our design team embarked on an ambitious journey to reimagine our leaderboard system. The goal was to create a more dynamic and flexible framework that could be customized in real-time, responding to the diverse needs of our gameplay. This system would support the creation of unique leaderboards, each with its own rules for activation, expiration, applicable game modes, and rewards for different player ranks. It also introduced the capability to limit the impact of matches on a player’s standing, both within a certain timeframe and across the leaderboard’s lifespan.

Central to our enhancement initiative was a groundbreaking shift in how points are allocated in Mighty Action Heroes, emphasizing a more detailed and multifaceted reflection of a player’s skill and strategy in the game. Our innovative point allocation system is meticulously designed to be fully configurable by our design team, allowing for real-time adjustments to how scores are distributed based on various in-game achievements. This flexibility ensures that our leaderboard remains dynamic and accurately represents our players’ diverse talents and strategies.

A pivotal aspect of our leaderboard enhancement initiative lies in the adaptability of our point allocation system, meticulously crafted to mirror the diverse competencies and strategic ingenuity of our players in Mighty Action Heroes. This system’s hallmark is its unprecedented configurability, entrusting our design team with the ability to tailor scoring metrics in real-time to best reflect the evolving dynamics of gameplay and competition.

Dynamic weekly leaderboard points structure, regularly updated by our design team.

Emphasizing this, the system permits a versatile setup where points awarded for player achievements — such as the number of opponents eliminated in a single match — are not fixed. Instead, these scoring metrics are entirely adjustable by our design team, enabling them to experiment with and refine the game’s competitive framework without the need for direct programming changes. For example, while we currently have a structure that awards 2 points for more than 2 kills, 4 points for more than 4 kills, and 6 points for surpassing 6 kills, these thresholds and the points associated with them can be modified at the designers’ discretion. This flexibility ensures that the leaderboard can evolve alongside the game, keeping the competition and gameplay experience fresh and engaging for our players.

Furthermore, the allocation of bonus points for specific types of kills, such as those achieved with Grenades or specific weapons, highlights the system’s capacity to value and encourage diverse playing styles and tactical choices. This too is subject to customization by our design team, who can set and adjust the bonus points for different actions according to the strategic nuances they wish to emphasize at any given time. Such configurability extends to all aspects of scoring, affirming our commitment to a leaderboard that accurately celebrates the broad spectrum of player skills and achievements.

To enhance performance and ensure that these dynamic scoring updates do not impact the game’s responsiveness, we’ve implemented a caching mechanism for the match point structure. This approach significantly reduces the load on our servers, allowing for instantaneous leaderboard updates even during peak gameplay periods. By caching the point structure, we ensure that the process of calculating scores and updating leaderboards is efficient and scalable, capable of handling the influx of data generated by our active player community.

This strategic emphasis on a configurable and nuanced scoring system underscores our commitment to creating a vibrant and competitive gaming environment that values and rewards a wide range of player skills and strategies. It allows our design team unprecedented flexibility to adapt the game’s competitive landscape in real time, ensuring that Mighty Action Heroes remains at the cutting edge of online gaming. Through this approach, we not only acknowledge the varied talents among our players, but also actively celebrate and encourage them, fostering a more inclusive and dynamic competitive scene.

Our technical infrastructure, built on a robust combination of a Spring Boot backend, Unity client, and game servers hosted on Amazon GameLift, is the backbone of this sophisticated operation. Following each match, the outcomes are processed by our backend. This involves calculating scores based on the new rules, identifying which leaderboards need updating and then refreshing them to reflect the latest player standings accurately. This not only elevates the player experience, but also grants our team deeper insights into player behaviors and preferences, guiding our future game development decisions.

The integration of DynamoDB and Redisson has been pivotal in this transformation. DynamoDB’s flexibility allows us to dynamically adjust game parameters and scoring systems without developer intervention. Meanwhile, Redisson enhances our system’s real-time data processing capabilities, enabling swift leaderboard updates that reflect players’ achievements almost instantly. The reactive programming model facilitated by Spring WebFlux complements Redisson’s capabilities, ensuring that our system remains responsive and scalable, even during peak gaming hours.

This holistic approach to game design and leaderboard management has fostered a more engaging and competitive environment in Mighty Action Heroes. Players are now able to see the immediate impact of their performance in the game, fostering a more connected and dynamic competitive community. As we look to the future, we are excited to continue exploring new technologies and gameplay mechanics that can further enrich our players’ experiences, reinforcing our commitment to innovation and excellence in the competitive online gaming space.

Our journey in enhancing Mighty Action Heroes with 1V1 Showdown and a revamped leaderboard system showcases our dedication to evolving gameplay and technology in tandem. This endeavor not only challenges us to think creatively about player engagement, but also underscores our commitment to providing a thrilling, fair, and immersive gaming experience for our global community. As we move forward, we remain excited about the possibilities that lie ahead, inviting our players to join us in this continuous adventure of innovation, competition, and community building.

