ChatGPT cheat sheet for your job search

Leveling up your job hunt using A.I.

Adam J. Blust
Mighty Forces


Robot interviews for a job. | Art generated by

“When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

ChatGPT isn’t magic. It’s a tool.

But like all tools, it can be wildly helpful if you know how to use it. It can function as a job coach, writer, editor, and research assistant.

But only if it gets the right inputs. And only if you know what to do with the results.

Part of the secret sauce of ChatGPT is writing good prompts. Prompt is just a fancy word for the instructions you give the system. The better and more specific those prompts are, the better results you will get.

So I’ve gathered up a bunch of prompts you can use in your job search. But first, some things to keep in mind:

  • Start with the basics. Get your resume, and any job listings you are considering applying for, into plain text. Those can be pasted into the system to provide it with a starting point.
  • A.I. loves data. The more specific and detailed you can be with your prompts, the better results you will get back. Context helps ChatGPT give you good answers.
  • It remembers. Each prompt/question in a single session can build on a previous one. So you can input your resume text once, then ask…



Adam J. Blust
Mighty Forces

Writing memoir and memoir-adjacent stories. Hoping that exploring the past will illuminate the future. “How’s that working out for you, being clever?”