Using ChatGPT in your job search

Without triggering a computer uprising

Adam J. Blust
Mighty Forces


These neon tubes from the Milwaukee Art Museum remind me of computer circuits.| Photo by author

Being familiar with technology is one of the best ways an older job seeker can improve their chances of getting hired.

And we just happen to be living through one of the most exciting phases of technology in all of our lifetimes: the rise of artificial intelligence.

While it’s fun to speculate about Skynet and evil robots taking over from lazy humans, what I want to talk about today is simply using a technological tool to your advantage.

That tool is ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is just an on-steroids version of those chatbots we used to play with in the 80s, like Eliza. You give it a text prompt, and it responds. But ChatGPT can do *so much more* than those old chatbots that just parroted back what you said to them. And like all computers, what we must do is wrestle it to the ground and force it to do our bidding. If you’re willing to put in the work, you can get some great stuff back.

If you’ve never used it before, here is a good primer. What I want to do is give you some ideas about how you can use it to jumpstart and improve your job search. But first, some important caveats to keep in mind about ChatGPT:

  • It’s not an authority.
    It only has information up to 2021…



Adam J. Blust
Mighty Forces

Writing memoir and memoir-adjacent stories. Hoping that exploring the past will illuminate the future. “How’s that working out for you, being clever?”