Week 3: Margot and the milk drunk

Matt Shwery
Mighty Margot
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2016

As of today, Margot is 3 weeks and 2 days old. I’ll tell you her corrected age, but you have to promise not to laugh – she’s -8 weeks old. Negative eight.

Most preemie parents will talk about their baby (at least with their physician) in terms of “correct” or “adjusted” age. This represents how old the baby is developmentally, based on the their due date / gestational age. Margot wasn’t due until February 5th, 2017. But she just had to come early.

Margot seems to be an easy NICU baby so far. She’s been called a grower – all she needs to do is keep getting bigger. Fortunately, she’s been doing just that. She’s now at 1175 grams (2 lbs 9 oz), which is almost a full pound of growth since birth! That’s great especially considering she had only grown an estimated ~4 ounces in her last few weeks in utero. Another clear indicator that she needed to come early.

Since she’s putting on some ounces, they’ve increased her feed amount. Aimee has gotten to spend quite a bit of time holding Margot skin-to-skin while she feeds. It’s hilarious to see her become “milk drunk” almost as soon as that first drop makes its way down into her belly.

Margot in various levels of milk drunkenness. She loves putting a hand by her face when she’s content.

Earlier in the week she had a bit of conjunctivitis in one of her eyes, so she started getting eye drops in both eyes to prevent it worsening. It cleared up in a couple days and looks much better already.

Also – The NICU doctors and nurses are fantastic. Watching how they care for our little girl is inspiring.

