Mighty Weekly 10/25

Seb Chalmeton
Mighty Things
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2 min readOct 25, 2015

With so much going on in mobile, wearable tech and the Internet of Things, it is easy to miss some of the happenings in the connected world. Here are our picks for the best stories of the week:


  • A culture of innovation doesn’t just happen. It has to be built. Here’s how. Link
  • Gauging the strength of Chinese innovation. Link


  • Huawei takes Chinese top spot from Xiaomi. Link

Wearable Tech

  • The New York Times is giving Google VR headsets to more than a million subscribers. Link
  • According to a new forecast from Tractica, an IT analyst firm, the worldwide market for enterprise wearable devices will swell to $6.3 billion by 2020. By comparison, the market is expected to reach a relatively modest $218 million this year. Link
  • A research among 2000 UK consumers showed a strong wellspring of support for wearable technology among the millennial generation, with 46% using the designer tech to check their finances. Link
  • Rumors are afloat that Nokia is planning on a smartwatch or bracelet that focuses on health and well-being. Link
  • Runkeeper’s new Apple Watch app lets you jog phone-free. Link
  • Adidas’ Fit Smart wearable now tracks more of your fitness data. Link
  • Misfit announces its newest device, an updated, more powerful version of its flagship wearable, the Shine 2. Link
  • Google invests in Mobvoi, its Android Wear partner in China. Link
  • Stanford researchers are using Google Glass to help autistic children recognize and classify emotions. Link

Internet of Things

  • Chloe is a robot Best Buy has employed to help customers at its Chelsea location in Manhattan. Link
  • This designer wants kids to build their own prosthetics using LEGOs. Kids seem to be ready for those LEGO arms but are we? Link
  • Controlling your lights from your phone is cool, but doing it with your voice is even cooler. Link
  • Chinese ecommerce store clones Amazon’s Dash buttons. Link
  • Magic Leap released the latest demonstration of its augmented reality technology on YouTube. The video shows images of augmented reality objects as they would appear from the user’s perspective. Link
  • Samsung developing robots to replace cheap Chinese labor. Link

Have a mighty week and be sure to follow us on Twitter!

Mighty Things is a global strategy and innovation company designed for the connected world. We solve business problems at the intersection of digital innovation, mobility, wearable tech and the Internet of Things.

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Seb Chalmeton
Mighty Things

CEO & Founder of Mighty Things. Strategy & Innovation for the Connected World. www.mightythings.co • Los Angeles • New York • Paris • Shanghai