Mighty Weekly No.39

Seb Chalmeton
Mighty Things
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2 min readOct 16, 2016

Hey folks,

In a Wired interview this week, President Obama discusses his optimism about the world’s future and tech frontiers. Any sentence from Obama in this article on AI is more articulate than the sum total of anything Trump has ever said.

Also, read why China leads the world in the adoption of VR, and why drones could make us both nervous and thankful.

Enjoy and have a mighty week!


Insanely Virtual

It is in California that the best software for VR games and movies is being developed. But professional use of VR by Chinese companies (rather than by consumers) means that the place where the fledgling industry may make its very first fortune is China. Link

The Next Few Years For VR

VR’s early foothold among gamers and developers will sustain the ecosystem’s momentum until we get the killer apps and devices that really nail look and feel and bring the category mainstream. Link


Obama on AI

“How do we build societal values into AI?” President Obama and MIT Media Lab Director Joi Ito discuss how artificial intelligence might up-end economies and how societies can adapt. Purely fascinating. Read it. Link

Speak, Memory

What if an AI bot could keep a loved ones memory alive? When her best friend died, this programmer rebuilt him using artificial intelligence. A great, provocative peek into the future. Link


Good Drones

Drones are playing a new role in the recovery efforts after Hurricane Matthew. Link

Bad Drones

Did you know that DJI uses geofencing in Iraq and Syria to discourage ISIS from flying Phantoms? Link


Futuristic Roads

Driverless cars are awesome, but sensor-rich roads are even better. And they’re not so hard to build. Link

Two Million Miles

Google recently reached a huge milestone by logging its two millionth autonomous mile. For context, two million miles is the equivalent of 300 years of human driving, not exactly insignificant. Link

Mighty Things is a global strategy and business intelligence firm at the forefront of emerging tech: digital innovation, VR, AR, robotics, AI and the Internet of Things.

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Seb Chalmeton
Mighty Things

CEO & Founder of Mighty Things. Strategy & Innovation for the Connected World. www.mightythings.co • Los Angeles • New York • Paris • Shanghai