Mighty Weekly No. 29

Seb Chalmeton
Mighty Things
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2 min readMay 2, 2016

Ahoy! This is a weekly-ish newsletter of what we’ve seen in mobile, wearable tech, VR and the Internet of Things, and thought was interesting. Here are our picks for the best stories of the week:


Failure, The Mother Of Innovation

What do the people of Silicon Valley look like? Experimentation and failure are essential to innovation because, by its nature, an innovation is an unknown that can only be discovered through trial and error. Still, startups may embrace the “fail-fast” mantra, but many corporate leaders are risk-adverse. Link

Agile Innovation

Teams using agile methods get things done faster than teams using traditional processes. They keep customers happier. They enjoy their work more. Agile has indisputably transformed software development, and it is now poised to expand far beyond IT. But, did you know it actually began outside of IT? Link



Over 10 billion shirts and shoes will soon talk back to you via your phone. Link

Top Investors In Wearable Tech

The day when it is hard to remember not wearing smart wearable tech, be that a smart watch, a connected jewelry or even smart labels, is closer than you can imagine. Here ‘s the list of top 20 most active investors in wearable tech in 2015. Link


VR + Gamers

About 40 percent of gamers will buy a VR headset in the next year, according to the survey by the ESA. 55 percent of the most frequent gamers are familiar with VR. And 58 percent of those familiar with VR say that they intend to play games on VR. Link

Beyond VR Hardware

Samsung is all-in on virtual reality, as if it were the next smartphone. Samsung is also trying to move up the VR food chain, by actively investing in VR software. Link



Earlier this year, MIT’s CSAIL computer science lab offered a class called, seriously, Duckietown. The class’s immediate goal was to create a fleet of autonomous vehicles, quickly and on a budget, that could navigate a streetscape entirely on their own. This is how rubber ducks are laying the groundwork for the next generation of self-driving cars. Link

The IoT Needs Design

The IoT, because of its innate technological integration and new customer experiences, demands a significantly higher level of design and technology partnership. It’s a space where design thinking can make a difference. Link

Mighty Things is a global strategy and innovation company designed for the connected world. We solve business problems at the intersection of digital innovation, mobility, wearable tech, VR and the Internet of Things.

Los Angeles • New York • Paris • Shanghai



Seb Chalmeton
Mighty Things

CEO & Founder of Mighty Things. Strategy & Innovation for the Connected World. www.mightythings.co • Los Angeles • New York • Paris • Shanghai