Mighty Weekly No. 33

Seb Chalmeton
Mighty Things
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2 min readJul 8, 2016

Hi there,

A man died tragically while his Tesla was on Autopilot (and while allegedly watching Harry Potter). But the media is looking at this all wrong. Also, this week, we talk about a $10 billion investment fund for VR/AR/MR, more robots in warehouses and retails, and much more.


Climbing Everest In VR

Apparently, climbing Mt. Everest in Virtual Reality is more powerful than any video game. This is virtual tourism meeting its most epic potential, the sort of project that really isn’t for the players, but for the people. The kind of experience we can’t wait to try! Link


VR venture capital alliance forms $10 billion investment fund. It looks like VR may be around for a while. Link


AI Against Breast Cancer

A research team from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Harvard Medical School have developed a form of AI that can detect breast cancer with accuracy levels of 92.5 percent. That’s not too far below the human detection rate of 97 percent. Link

Siri & Apple

In Apple’s case, AI work is vital to the company’s long-term success. Apple will deploy Siri across its myriad platforms, turning voice into an important new form of user interface. Link


Warehouse Run By Robots

A huge warehouse in China barely needs any human workers to function. A warehouse of a similar size might have employed 500 people in the past. Link

Walmart Robot Shopping Cart

Walmart is testing a robot-shopping cart. The cart is designed to guide shoppers around the store, and eventually, even let them check out themselves as they shop. Link


Autopilot Fatality

A Tesla using the Mobileye-based-collision avoidance was involved in a fatal crash while in autopilot mode. It’s a tragic loss. Yet a collision on autopilot was statistically inevitable. Also, if you’re watching Harry Potter while driving, you probably don’t understand this capability isn’t anything approaching autonomy. Link

IoT & Privacy

The invasiveness of the Internet of Things will lower our expectation of privacy. Link

Enjoy the summer and be mighty!

Mighty Things is a global strategy and business intelligence firm designed for the connected world. We solve business problems at the intersection of digital innovation, VR, AR, robotics, AI and the Internet of Things.

Los Angeles • New York • Paris • Shanghai



Seb Chalmeton
Mighty Things

CEO & Founder of Mighty Things. Strategy & Innovation for the Connected World. www.mightythings.co • Los Angeles • New York • Paris • Shanghai