Mighty Weekly No. 38

Seb Chalmeton
Mighty Things
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2 min readSep 15, 2016


Do you know how many Chinese consumers have already tried a VR-related device? About 17 million in 2015 and that number is predicted to surpass 300 million people by 2020. Read how China has become the hottest battleground among global VR market. A perfect bedtime story for VR enthusiasts!

Also read fascinating conjectures in AI, and stories about GE’s marching orders, next-gen manufacturing and robot-tractors.

Thanks for reading and be mighty!


VR in Storytelling

Imagine being able to live stories that are rich, formulated and fantastic as the movies you see. Link

Changing the Game

Intel creates Hollywood studio to produce 360-degree sports and entertainment virtual reality experiences. Link

China VR Gold Rush

China has truly become “The Wild Wild East” with respect to VR, the hottest battleground among global VR markets. Folks from the West who approach China with any pretensions soon find themselves reassessing their assumptions and reconfiguring their business plans. Link


What if Batman Had a Tractor?

Driverless tractor would allow all-remote-controlled planting, harvesting. Link

Next-Gen Manufacturing

Sorry China, the future of next-generation manufacturing is in the US. Link


Blind Spot of AI

Is the artificial intelligence we are building moving beyond our own comprehension? AI deep networks could turn out to be just as difficult to understand as life itself. Link

Brain, Mind & AI

Building a brain is the not the same thing as making a mind. Reverse-engineering the brain is only half of the equation. Some interesting conjecture on AI. Link


The 124-Year-Old Startup

Thinking of its competition, GE says it will be a “top 10 software company” by 2020. The march of digital technology into the industrial world has been underway for ways under the guise of “the Internet of Things” or “the industrial internet”. It is the next battlefield as companies fight to develop the dominant software layer that connects the machines. Link

Mighty Things is a global strategy and business intelligence firm at the forefront of emerging tech: digital innovation, VR, AR, robotics, AI and the Internet of Things.

Los Angeles • New York • Paris • Shanghai



Seb Chalmeton
Mighty Things

CEO & Founder of Mighty Things. Strategy & Innovation for the Connected World. www.mightythings.co • Los Angeles • New York • Paris • Shanghai