Live in The Moment

An invaluable lesson taught by Winnie-the-Pooh.

Julian Mirijello
“Mighty Words!”
2 min readAug 28, 2018


“What day is it?” asked Pooh.
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day,” said Pooh.

Winnie-the-Pooh — the slow-witted, “hunny” lovin’ bear that stole every child’s heart growing up. His journeys through the Hundred Acre Wood taught us lessons of friendship, love, and patience, all while appealing to our growing sense of adventure. But there is one lesson Pooh taught that stands above them all, and that was how to live in the moment.

Pooh lived a happy life, cherishing the simple pleasures that it gave him. Butterflies, balloons and a tummy full of honey did the trick for him. His child-like persona allowed him to stroll through life with no urgency, treating every day as a new adventure.

Watch as fir cones, a seemingly meaningless object to someone rushing through life, takes Winnie-the-Pooh on an extravagant adventure:

It is this kind of simplistic curiosity that one only truly posses as a child. As we grow older, we become more and more desensitized to life, to the beauty of the movement. Bills need to be paid, careers need to be made, and mouths need to be put at bay, and that’s okay (maybe I’ve watched too many Winnie-the-Pooh episodes…). I’m not saying you need to live the lax life of a fictional bear to be happy. But, if you take a small page out of his book and practice the art of living in the moment, you will begin to find happiness in life’s simple pleasures. So next time you see a fir cone on the ground, pick it up and be curious. Let your imagination go wild.

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