Introducing Mighty Beta Testers

Dana Mauriello
Mighty Business
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2021

On Team Mighty, we’re entrepreneurs just like the CEOs who create their businesses on Mighty are (we’re just a lot older 🙂). We always coach Mighty CEOs that they should talk to their customers, learn from their feedback, and improve their offering based on this feedback. We’re taking our own advice and launching the Mighty Beta Tester Program.

We’ll be inviting CEOs to have a 15 minute call with a member of the Mighty Coaching Team who will ask them a few questions to learn about their experience and get their feedback. Parents are always very welcome to participate too!

The Mighty Coaches leading the calls are the engineers, designers, and marketers that build Mighty everyday (this is us!), so we can take feedback and put it into action right away. We’re also super happy to answer any CEO questions while we’re on the call (curious what an engineer at Mighty does all day? Cristina, George, or Alex can tell you all about it!). Bonus: there may be some sneak peeks at new features that no other CEOs have seen yet!

As a thank you to our awesome Beta Testers, we’ll send you an exclusive set of stickers that we’ve made just for the super star CEOs who generously share their feedback with us. Here’s a peak:

Exclusive Mighty Beta Tester Stickers! 🎉

If we haven’t reached out to you and you’re interested in being a Beta Tester, send us a chat or email us at



Dana Mauriello
Mighty Business

Champion of entrepreneurs, small businesses, and the hustler in all of us.