Migranet completes the first iteration of blockchain development.

Philip Pike
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2019

With a matter of hours to go before the Migranet token, MIG is launched on IDAX and HotBit exchanges, Migranet is proud to announce they have successfully completed their first iteration of blockchain integration.

What does this mean?

When the platform is launched, this section of the blockchain solution will allow Migrants to upload documentation that is required by migration officers on to Migranet’s secure blockchain.

Why is this important?

Migrants can provide documentation required by migration officers by uploading the documents to the Migranet system. This will generate a proof-of-existence using a unique smart contract which is stored on the blockchain.

In the future, when governments have developed their immigration platforms on blockchain, migration officers who come to check the documentation, the unique proof-of-existance will be used to verify that the documents submitted to them have not been altered since it was originally submitted to the Migranet system and allowing them to validate the authenticity.

However, in the immediate future, immigration officers are able to access the Migranet system directly and still benefit from the authenticity that this blockchain solution provides.

Next steps

With the completion of the first phase of development, our blockchain developers are continuing work to hit the Q3 2019 ITO development deadline that is so far set to be achieved.

