Why I want to help 10 000 refugees get jobs?

René Füchtenkordt
Migranthire Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2016

This post is part 3/5 of a series from the founders of Migrant Hire, where each of us explain why we personally want to help 10 000 refugees get jobs.

Read part I

Read part II

Living in Berlin, the refugee crisis is no longer something you experience through a tv screen, it’s no longer something terrible happening on a distant shore. Instead, the events have reached my life; now I have refugees both among my friends, and as co-founders.

I think integration is crucial in turning the crisis into an opportunity , and understanding that in order to solve our most pressing issues, humanity needs to unite as a whole.

On the other hand, I see tensions building up among my fellow German citizens. Fear-mongering from right wing extremists, and even the burning of refugee camps.

During my entrepreneurial journey, I have had the pleasure to meet and work with some amazing people. Among them Remi Elias Mekki and Mozamel Aman who invited me to join as a co-founder of the project MigrantHire. Their pitch to me was simple:

“In 2015 over 1 million refugees came to Germany. In 2016 we want to help 10 000 of them to get a job.”

The goal is to build a platform that connects refugees directly to German companies, and to eliminate the bureaucratic boundaries that currently prevents a company from hiring a refugee. I am honored to be a part of this mission.

I believe integration is the right answer. Working is an educating experience for both the refugee and the other co-workers. This is why I joined MigrantHire, and why I want to help 10 000 refugees get jobs.


