HOME: Reflecting on Buenos Aires Adventures

paul mihailidis
Mihas in Argentina
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2019

We made it home…9 weeks, 3 countries and a million ice creams later, we’re back. Reflecting on the trip it seems like it went by fast and slow. We met some amazing people, made new close family friends, and were able to experience parts of the world we hadn’t thought we would before. Mae loved having friends most of all, and swimming in a hotel pool. Emma loved riding horses, and all the playgrounds that had seesaws. Will loved playgrounds and probably everything else.

Mom and dad loved eating nice food, cafes, and the feeling of being in a city, without the need to worry about the common anxieties of domestic life.

Most all, we loved time together as a family, walking around, exploring, and just being together. This blog has given us a path for our journey, from the craziness at the airport as we departed to Buenos Aires, through our adventures in the city, and visits to other countries. If anything this trip taught us how great other cultures are to ground our realities and value systems. The way you learn about yourselves is to be exposed to different ways of daily life. We learned about culture and tradition, and were able to see the better and worst attributes of different approaches to raising kids, education, social life, etc. It was an amazing experience, that will hopefully be really grounding for our children.

Here are a few final pictures from the last day and travel home…and the final cute will pics of our travels. Will won’t be cute much longer. So these have to last.


Amy, Emma, Mae, Will & Paul

This is our amazing babysitter Milu! She came 3–4 days a week, became a friend, and will visit us in the States!
Girls Waving at Will and Dad on the Balcony. Just before taxis were coming!
Our last day, one last ice cream, one last playground, one last Will being silly
Buenos Aires airport
playing with photo editing on the plane home….
and finally we’re home…at least physically



paul mihailidis
Mihas in Argentina

professor, researcher, teacher, activist. Emerson College & Salzburg Global Seminar. @pmihailidis www.paulmihailidis.com