Om den digitala säkerhetsklyftan

Digitala biblioteket och medier
Published in
1 min readMar 16, 2017

Årets Get Online Week har “cybersecurity” som ett av tre prioriterade fokusområden. Här är ett ovanligt tydligt argument för att vi i biblioteken ska ägna oss åt frågan:

“Those in our society who are the most vulnerable, those who are more likely to he harassed by the state, those who are more likely to be wire-tapped, more likely to have their devices seized, are using devices that leave them hopelessly vulnerable to survelliance. The difference in the security features in the iOs and Android Is creating what I call a Digital Security Divide. It means that those in our society who are the most vulnerable, who need encryption the most, are the least likely to get it, while those who have all the resources, who are the least likely to be surveilled, have devices that put them completely off limit from the state. So this is a problem, and I don’t have a solution. But we need to start talking about the fact that encryption and digital security has become a luxury, and that this threatens to perpetuate existing inequalities in our society”



Digitala biblioteket och medier

Ett digitalt klotterplank från enheten Digitala biblioteket och medier vid Stockholms stadsbibliotek.