The Future of Website Visitor Identification

Mike Berens
Mike Berens
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2021

Companies spend 1,000s to millions of dollars on SEO and paid search to drive traffic to their website. They use or are familiar with tools that identify companies visiting their website from an IP address. These tools identify a static IP address of the visitor and match it to a database of companies. They then identify the company and categorize them as a B2B or B2C visitor, which they use to determine their marketing approach.

Another common way to identify website visitors is to tag them from your CRM. Most CRMs offer the ability to send an email blast and when there is a click-through it cookies the visitor and the CRM alerts you when they visit your website. This works the same for form fills.

These processes are very limiting because they do not identify the actual person visitors (outside of their CRM) and only identify the company they work for.

We’re going into 2022 there has to be a better way, right? There is! Visitor InSites can identify the specific person visiting your website, by name!

Companies now have the ability to see who specifically is on their website. If they’re on LinkedIn you can even see their personal LinkedIn Profile.

The Value in identifying your website visitors:

1.) Helps you close more business. Seeing an individual name vs just the company they work for allows you to dive deeper into your sales process by being able to reference their profile.

2.) Quality Control. One of the biggest issues faced when talking with a prospect is that there are multiple people who have access to decision-makers or key players in your target accounts. Using Visitor InSites with their email address ensures you are talking with the correct person.

3.) Identify prospects before your competition even knows they exist.

4.) Helps identify new prospects, make cold calls and generate new leads. When you have a specific person’s name it’s easier to research them and see what they are interested in.


By identifying your website visitors you can leverage them to generate more leads and close more business. Companies that invest in Visitor InSites are seeing a significant ROI because they’re able to identify qualified prospects through their website with ease.

