
Mike Reid
Mike James Reid
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2013

I used to think the irreducible force driving any successful entrepreneur was their ability to sell.

In fact, I think it can be reduced even further.

I actually think its their ability to hustle.

Hustle simply means doing whatever it takes to get the result.

I mentioned in an earlier article that when you embark on something new, something you’ve never done before, you’ve got to do 4 things…

1. Make an irreversible commitment to something BIG, which forces you to…
2. Get resourceful
3. Then stretch yourself to the point where you can..
4. Deliver on your original commitment.

Being entrepreneurial, whether in your own business or within an organisation, means you’ve got to out-hustle, out-manavoure and out-resource the competition. More importantly, you’ve got to out-hustle what 99% of people would do in the same situation. Whether thats through sheer grit and hard-work or ingenuity — be the 1%.

Don’t get me wrong, if you can’t sell as an entrepreneur then you’re dead in the water, but its not just about your ability to sell. Its about being able to:

  • Negotiate deals
  • Influence your peers
  • Enrol partners/supporters/team
  • Manage agreements
  • Speak decisively, with certainty and with clarity
  • Act boldly
  • Challenge assumptions
  • Question the norm
  • Polarise the crowd and;
  • Choose yourself.

Some of that might sound cliche, but fuck it, they’re cliches for a reason. They’re based on the tried-and-tested results of those in history who have succeeded before us.

So whatever you do, learn to sell…but don’t forget to hone your hustle-muscle as well…



Mike Reid
Mike James Reid

Co-Founder at Dent Global. Inspired at the intersection of entrepreneurship & human potential. Perfect mix of Simon Baker, Hugh Jackman and Clark Kent.