Want to work for one of the top business growth accelerators in the world?

Mike Reid
Mike James Reid
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2017

When my business partner Daniel Priestley wrote his first book, ‘Key Person of Influence’ 6 years ago I don’t think he or we had any idea of what a movement that concept would create all over the world.

It was that impetus that led him to launch the first Key Person of Influence Accelerator and really — it was an experiment. Would honing the 5 principles of Pitch, Publish, Product, Profile and Partnerships actually lead to any shifts in someone’s business and how they show up in their industry? Well it turns out it does — quite profound shifts.

Since then our company Dent has helped more than 2,500 founders across 50 industries in 7 cities around the world to become Key People of Influence in their industry. There’s over 100 stories on our YouTube channel of people who’ve had radical transformation in their lives as a result. As a company we’ve expanded globally, won numerous fast growth and culture awards, acquired a number of other businesses to expand our product offerings to our clients and been recognised by publications like Entrepreneur.com as ‘one of the top business growth accelerators in the world’.

Steve Jobs said the role of every entrepreneur is to make a dent in the universe. We resonated with that philosophy so strongly, we named our company after it. But more importantly our clients resonated with that philosophy. It was everything they ever wanted to do with their business and their lives but just didn’t know how.

Dent ~ a meaningful impact at scale

Our company motto and values are to Be Brave, Have Fun and Make a Dent. Everyday as a team we endeavour to get outside our comfort zone, to love our work and to realise we have a powerful purpose to help entrepreneurs all over the world solve more meaningful problems. Collectively, that’s impact at scale.

By 2030, we plan to operate in 20 cities around the world and further deepen our reputation as the worlds leading business accelerator for the founders of 6–7 figure revenue service firms. We’ll do this through a combination of strategy, media and technology implementation into entrepreneurial businesses to help them scale all the way through the entrepreneur journey from startup to performance.

As part of our global expansion, we’re recruiting city leaders in every new city and I’ll be moving to Brisbane to lead the charge there. I’ve got some ambitious plans and there is a key person I’m looking for to join our team:

A sales and customer service gun who is curious, coachable, loves talking to people, loves listening even more and doesn’t take no for an answer very easily. Click here for details

Here’s the ask…

  1. If you’re interested in applying for either of these roles, click above and get in touch!
  2. Or if you know someone who would be a perfect match instead, please forward them this article. Or copy and paste this: http://bit.ly/2rsh1ZG



Mike Reid
Mike James Reid

Co-Founder at Dent Global. Inspired at the intersection of entrepreneurship & human potential. Perfect mix of Simon Baker, Hugh Jackman and Clark Kent.