Minor update to varscoper

Mike Schierberl
Mike‘s CF Blog
Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2007

I just released a 1.12 update to my varscoper tool. I’ve added new tags to the parsing engine, added XML output support, and fixed some bugs related to directory parsing in CF6. Thanks to Kola Oyedegi for help with XML output and Dmitriy Goltseker for fixing directory processing. Thanks to everyone who helped to refine the list of tags that create variables. The additions are below. You can also download 1.12 here , or get it via SVN on riaforge.

  • cfhttp:result
  • cfquery:result
  • cfimage:name
  • cfmail:query
  • cffeed:name
  • cffeed:query
  • cfftp:name
  • cfwddx:output
  • cfobject:name
  • cfsearch:name
  • cfprocresult:name
  • cfpop:name
  • cfregistry:name
  • cfreport:name
  • cfdbinfo:name
  • cfdocument:name
  • cfexecute:variable
  • cfNtAuthenticate:result
  • cfcollection:name
  • cfpdf:name
  • cfxml:variable
  • cfzip:name
  • cfldap:name

