Moving to Sydney

Mike Schierberl
Mike‘s CF Blog
Published in
1 min readMay 6, 2009

At 10:30pm tonight I will be getting on a plane to relocate to Sydney, Australia. The bags are packed, and I’m looking forward to the next exciting chapter in my life. As of Monday, my company was acquired by Thomson Reuters, and I will be working as an independent consultant for them.

I’m looking forward to getting involve with all of you in the CF community when I arrive. Don’t be a stranger, please introduce yourselves as I hardly know anyone there. I’m really hoping that I can win a pass to @webdu in their twitter competition, it would be a great opportunity to make some connections. If you’re on twitter I wouldn’t mind a shameless plug for a ticket :) (@mikeschierberl).

Additionally, if you are in Sydney, I’d love recommendations on things to do/see from a locals perspective. I’ve been there a few times, but I will be coming with a clean slate and an open mind.

