Programming Update

Mike Schierberl
Mike‘s CF Blog
Published in
1 min readAug 25, 2011

First off, I’d like to apologize to any of you that received a flood of new posts from me in your feed reader. My blog has a new and hopefully more permanent location and this time I’m not trying to preserve guids in my feed. Sorry about that, feel free to do a mass delete/mark all as read.

Second, I’ve moved back to San Francisco after my 2 year adventure in Sydney. It was an incredible experience and I had a chance to meet and work with some exceptional people. Now that I’m back I’m hoping the lack of hot weather and perfect beaches will allow me to blog more than I did when I was there (one post).

Finally, I’m planning to make this blog less CFML-centric going forward. I find myself working more and more with technologies and tools that are not cfml based, so I’m now calling this “Mike on Software” instead of “Mike Schierberl’s ColdFusion Blog”. I’m still planning to write on CF topics, but hopefully I’ll be able to write about other topics you can use to supplement your toolkit.

