varScoper 1.20 — critical update

Mike Schierberl
Mike‘s CF Blog
Published in
1 min readMay 20, 2008

Version 1.20 of varscoper is now out on RIAForge. It’s also available directly from the download link.

Many thanks to Pat Santora for this release. The majority of the content in this release is a direct result of his hard work.


  • Improvements to cfscript parsing engine
  • RIAForge issues 6,7,8,9,10,11 are fixed
  • Improved handling of script comments
  • Ability to exclude files/folders
  • configured through properties.xml
  • Ability to exclude individual files or directories from your search
  • Integrated Unit Testing
  • testCaseCFC.cfc now includes positive/negative test cases for all reported issues
  • Currently still reporting 2 known issues that will be addressed in a future release
  • Improvements to parsing engine
  • Fix for Ray’s cffeed bug (also fixes cfprocparam)
  • More agressive var scope checking (re-run against all your code, we found 2 new unscoped vars at Planitax)

