10 Things That Took Me 10 Years to Learn Working in Product

Peeling back the layers of what truly drives innovation.

Mike Curtis
The You Design System


the face of a wise stoic
Lessons on the human side of product development.

If I were to distill the essence of my learnings over the past 10 years working in product technology, surprisingly, it wouldn’t center around technology, tools, or methodologies. Instead, it orbits around people — their minds, emotions, quirks, behaviors, unpredictability, and their profound impact on me and everything we do.

Reflecting on these years, I’ve realized that the most valuable lessons revolve around human behavior, soft skills, relationships, and the intricate nuances of the psychology behind our daily interactions.

Here are 10 insights I’ve garnered in the last 10 years, each offering a unique perspective on the human elements that fuel our collective drive to create remarkable digital experiences.

1. The Art of Listening Beyond Words

Learning to listen, to truly understand another person, is a superpower. A good listener hears the unsaid, understands the pause between words, knows how to wait their turn, and senses the unvoiced concerns or ideas.

A good listener uses their heart, mind, eyes, body, and ears to listen. This skill has allowed me to uncover the emotional challenges behind a…



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.