2-Minute Soft Skill Drills — Make a Video Resume

Mike Curtis
The You Design System
2 min readSep 7, 2020

Want to stand out to clients and recruiters? Make a video resume! Making a video resume is an exciting way for others to have a better experience of you.

Why should a client or recruiter’s first impression of you be from a boring piece of paper?

Stand out. Record yourself showing off the same info you’d put on paper. (Education, Skills, Experience, etc.)

It’s fun, unique, and it gives them a better look at the real you.

Example 1: Kiki Drew

Kiki’s YouTube video resume is awesome. She currently works as a User Experience Designer at Value at Void.

Example 2: Laura Harris

Laura made a YouTube video showcasing her resume as a front-end web developer and it has over 111,000 views!

Example 3: Page Kemna

Page broke LinkedIn with her, “Hire Me!” video, where she sang/performed her resume. She now works at Zoom!

The hardest part for many is simply hitting the ‘RECORD’ button. But, you can do this! Once you start recording, the magic begins and we get to see the real you… not a paper version!



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.