52 Behaviors in 52 Weeks: Week 1 — Cognitive Bias in Decision Making

Understanding how customers think.

Mike Curtis
The You Design System


52 Behaviors in 52 Weeks is a weekly exploration into the psychology of user experience design and the nuances behind customer decision-making. This series unpacks how human behavior impacts digital products, offering actionable insights for designers, product managers, developers, and product leaders.

Week 1 — Cognitive Bias in Decision Making

What is cognitive bias? You might hear the phrase and think it’s some complex psychological term. But really, it’s a simple, very human phenomenon that affects all of us. Cognitive bias is about the predictable patterns or deviations in judgment that happen when we all process and interpret information. These biases influence our decisions, which are not always as rational or logical as we’d like, but instead shaped by our preferences, beliefs, or past experiences.

Cognitive bias heavily influences how customers decide about your products. Whether they’re choosing a product color, shipping speed, or selecting one brand over another, biases subtly steer these choices.

Let’s get into their brain for a moment. Come with me on the journey of a customer.



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.