52 Behaviors in 52 Weeks: Week 2 — The Role of Customer Emotions and Your Product

Understanding how customers think.

Mike Curtis
The You Design System


52 Behaviors in 52 Weeks is a weekly exploration into the psychology of user experience design and the nuances behind customer decision-making. This series unpacks how human behavior impacts digital products, offering actionable insights for designers, product managers, developers, and product leaders.

Week 2 — The Role of Customer Emotions and Your Product

Imagine the last time you felt frustrated or delighted by a product. Perhaps it was when you tried setting up a new smart home device that wouldn’t connect no matter how many hundred times you followed the instructions, or the last time your computer kept freezing—with each aggravating interaction you were one step closer to throwing the device at your wall. 😡

Or what about the sheer delight of opening a beautifully packaged gift from your favorite cosmetic store, where the unboxing alone felt like a part of the gift? 😊



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.