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Marcescence — An elegant word that holds a poetic, life-changing power
The value of holding steady, even when life’s obstacles feel endless.
How I would invite you to read this article…
If possible, let the following video play in the background as you read. Music is powerful. This song, to me, is a musical embodiment of marcescence and will help set the tone as you read.
Marcescence — a quiet, stalwart beauty.
Pronounced “mar-SEH-sence,” it describes a unique trait in certain trees — like beech or oak — that hold onto their dead leaves through winter. While most trees shed their leaves entirely as temperatures drop, marcescent trees choose a different path, keeping their dried leaves clinging on through the harshest months. Only when spring arrives and new buds push through do these trees finally release the old foliage, letting it fall as fresh growth takes its place.
When I first learned about marcescence, I was struck by its subtle, almost defiant beauty…