Prototype Your Way to a Better Tomorrow

It’s hard to see anything but pouring rain when you’re in the middle of a storm.

Mike Curtis
The You Design System


a man holding up a picture of a beautiful sunset in the middle of pouring rain thunderstorm
You can create a better tomorrow, even in a storm.

How often do you feel like everything is slipping through your fingers, and no matter how much you try to hold on it doesn’t get better? I’m right there with you. We all have our visions of what a better tomorrow looks like. For me, it’s a day without the weight of today’s burdens. For others, it’s waking up with purpose, value, excitement, and hope for what’s to come.

But the truth is, for many of us, the idea of tomorrow can bring a lot of anxiety and fear. Tomorrow holds a lot of unknowns, and that can be scary. What if things don’t get better? What if the same struggles follow you into the next day? What if all the effort you put in doesn’t lead to the results you want?

It’s easy to dread tomorrow when today feels so overwhelming. When the challenges seem too big and the past has been filled with disappointments, we’d be perfectly fine if tomorrow never came. But a better tomorrow doesn’t have to mean an entirely different life. It doesn’t mean that everything magically falls into place overnight.

I can’t pretend to have all the answers, but I’ve been thinking about something that might help.

I’ve spent decades learning that…



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.