The Bond of Shared Struggles: How Our Challenges Unite Us

Be the first to share and watch what happens.

Mike Curtis
The You Design System


a group of people holding hands, looking at the sunset
Let’s dismantle the walls of loneliness.

Why Do Our Struggles Unite Us?

It’s a curious thing. We spend so much time striving to put our best foot forward, curating our “perfect lives” on social media and resumes to showcase an endless highlight reel. Yet, it’s not our triumphs, victories, or possessions that bring us closer, it’s the moments of uncertainty, fear of failure, and the sting of rejection that resonate most deeply with others.

Why is that?

Because these are the universal principles of our shared humanity.

Every person you meet carries within them a history of struggle — be it with self-doubt, loss, abuse, mental illness, or the pursuit of something deeply yearned for but hard to attain. Their experiences are different than your own. So when we open up about these experiences, we offer each other a gift, the realization that no one should be alone in their fight.

Consider the last time you heard a story of someone overcoming adversity.

  • Was it their success alone that moved you, or the setbacks and the perseverance that stirred something within you?
  • Why did their story tug at your heart the way that it did?



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.