The Sunday Night Pillow Companies

Exposing the emotions they sell.

Mike Curtis
The You Design System


6 menacing pillow characters floating above a person laying in bed
What goes through your mind on Sunday night?

As you lay your head on the pillow on Sunday night, you may have noticed a familiar selling game that ensues. There are figurative companies at work, peddling their wares, and influencing your thoughts. I call them “The Sunday Night Pillow Companies.” They enter your thoughts on Sunday night to sell you fear, stress, anxiety, and a host of other emotions, shaping your perceptions and driving your behavior.

They remind us of the work-grind dread coming on Monday as we face our boring, unfulfilling jobs.

They remind us of the toxic environments or people coming the next day.

They tell you that you aren’t good enough.

They do everything in their power to prevent you from a life of hope, excitement, fulfillment, contentment, and joy.

These companies are sly, operating in the shadows of your mind. They know exactly when to strike, using YOUR Sunday night pillow as their platform. They whisper in your ear, making you believe you need their products, solutions, and their validation.

But what if we could expose their tactics? What if we could see through their marketing ploys and take back control?



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.