You don’t have to do the dishes every day — A lesson for all UX designers

Recognizing the signs that are clearly telling you it’s okay to take a break.

Mike Curtis
The You Design System


Image by author | My kitchen sink

This is my kitchen sink tonight. I walked away from it. My 4-year-old came up to me after dinner as I started doing the dishes and asked, “But Dad, why do you have to do the dishes tonight?” I didn’t have a good answer. I thought about it for a moment, wrestled in my mind with his simple question, then left the kitchen to go play with him and his toys. Frankly, this was a much better way to spend the evening.

Why is it that we feel we need to do the dishes each day? To keep up with our neighbors? To prevent the house from falling into disarray? Because we saw our parents do it? Why? Why does it have to be now? Why does it have to be tonight? I want to be honest with you for a moment and let you into my world. I’m a Sr. UX Designer, a dad, and a husband, and I’m feeling quite exhausted.

Grind. Hustle. Grit. — The words our industry uses almost to exhaustion

In all honesty, I need a break from these words and the expectations they carry. I feel the constant bombardment to hustle if I want to get ahead. I feel unproductive when I see my peers posting on social media every…



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.